Thursday, April 14, 2011

Spiraling Sheen

The caption says "This just in...we are going live for Charlie Sheen update." These are the words on a newscaster, live on the air. The picture is of a newscaster and a producer. The producer is trying to give the newscaster a paper with important updates on the world, but the newscaster ignores him and reads about Charlie Sheen. The picture is showing how real issues are being ignored by a topic that has no importance. This cartoon also symbolizes that the news would rather report  pop culture than to inform people of actual news. What the producer is trying to get the newscaster to read is about Libya and Egypt. Both of these countries are fighting for their freedom against their government. Instead of reporting news about this, the news caster is reporting about Charlie Sheen's drug and prostitute addiction. The cartoon artist is insulting the news and how it is ran nowadays.

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