Thursday, April 14, 2011

Mike Keefe

The caption in the cartoon says" A disturbed mind behind a gun= The inevitable meaning that  gun in the wrong hands is very dangerous." The cartoon is a picture if a man pointing a gun. This cartoon symbolizes that their is an issue with guns and how it is to easy for people to get access to them. It is dangerous for someone unstable to be able to purchase a gun illegally. The cartoonist is most likely a conservative because he is for guns being off the streets and to have stricter gun laws. This is relevant to current events because of the tragedy in Arizona with congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. She was shot by a crazy man that got a hold of a gun named, Jared Lee Loughner.

Spiraling Sheen

The caption says "This just in...we are going live for Charlie Sheen update." These are the words on a newscaster, live on the air. The picture is of a newscaster and a producer. The producer is trying to give the newscaster a paper with important updates on the world, but the newscaster ignores him and reads about Charlie Sheen. The picture is showing how real issues are being ignored by a topic that has no importance. This cartoon also symbolizes that the news would rather report  pop culture than to inform people of actual news. What the producer is trying to get the newscaster to read is about Libya and Egypt. Both of these countries are fighting for their freedom against their government. Instead of reporting news about this, the news caster is reporting about Charlie Sheen's drug and prostitute addiction. The cartoon artist is insulting the news and how it is ran nowadays.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Republicans Vs Democrats

The captions in this cartoon is both of the animals saying "He shut down the government" in an arrow pointing to the animal next to them. The elephant represents the Republican Party, and the moose represents the Democratic Party. I determined that by the color of the shirts. I don't think the artist used people because it is saying that political people act like animals. The cartoon is saying that both parties are putting the blame on each other and neither one is taking responsibility for their parties actions. This is relevant in today's politics because before everyone was saying that Bush ruined our economics but now they are saying that President Obama is doing any better as a Democrat. The cartoonist inst biased so it is hard to tell the ideology of the person.

Donald "one-note" Trumpet

The title of the cartoon is "Donald "one-note" Trumpet", and the trumpet has music coming out of it saying Obama's birth certificate. The person in the cartoon is suppose to be Donald Trump, but because his last name is close to trumpet, they have him playing it. For awhile now Donald Trump has been asking for President Obama's birth certificate because he believes that Obama isn't from the United States. This is the only thing that Donald has been saying lately and that is why the title say "one-note" trumpet because that is the only note/thing he has to say. This is relevant to current politics because Donald Trump will be running in the 2012 Primary Elections for Presidency.

Monday, April 11, 2011

NPR's CEO, Vivian Schiller Resigned Today

"NPR's CEO, Vivian Schiller resigned today..." It says Juan Williams on the tag in the front of the car. Juan Williams is the person she fired last year for saying on the news that people in "muslim garbs" in the airport scare him. Therefore, you can infer that Juan Williams is happy that she resigned because she fired him last year.
In the cartoon Juan Williams has his hand raised out the car and he is happy because Vivian Schiller resigned for not firing someone for making a "racist" statement when she fired him for the same thing the previous year.